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Guilty Pleasures
Sometimes I make a discovery so epic it makes me giggle. So you’ll understand why my giggle turned into full-out laughter after I bit into my latest pastry obsession from Safeway.
It’s taken me a long time to organize my thoughts for this blog post because I want to get this description right. Imagine the lightest, flakiest croissant you’ve ever bitten into (well, maybe that’s a stretch — humour me) and the most unhealthy, sugary, glazed Krispy Kreme donut you’ve ever ingested. Now morph them into one delectable treat. Then drizzle it with chocolate. My heart races with anticipation as I write; or perhaps my arteries are clogging up. It’s exciting either way.
I’ve always believed in restraint when it comes to guilty pleasures, even though I’ve never practiced it. In fact, I relish in those simple, guilt-inducing foods, rituals and music I’ve indulged in ever since I was a kid. It’s funny, when you’re growing up in Saskatchewan, drinking instant coffee laced with Coffeemate with your grandma is a pleasure. Once you grow up and start to move in more sophisticated circles it gets demoted to a guilty pleasure. For the record, I still love instant coffee. My current fave is Nescafé 3 in 1 (which is available at my local Superstore).
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